Carnival by Elaine Normandy , who uses Gnofract 4D - freeware fractal software for Linux.I found out earlier today that my post on Art and Science Transvergence: Glowing Bunnies was listed in the latest Carnival of Art, a blog carnival that has been hosted by Australian artist Jennie Rosenbaum since June 2006.
I really appreciate the link there - so thank you Jennie!
I urge all readers here to check out Carnival of Art - #10 . With categories in Art History, Art News, Art Philosophy, Artworks, Creating Art, and The Biz, there are a lot of intriguing, compelling, beautiful, and informative posts.
And don’t stop there - read the Carnivals of Art #1 through #9.
This is my first experience with a blog carnival, and I am very impressed with the ability to reach more readers, and find more amazing blog posts than I can imagine finding by other routes, including Technorati.
For more on blog carnivals, including how to find them, submit a post, or even host one, check out
For a detailed analysis of the ability of blog carnivals to be important engines of social networks, and their potential to "become online equivalents of not just TIME magazine, but also GQ, Vogue, Parenting, National Geographic, People, and, why not, Science and Nature" see Blog Carnivals And The Future Of Journalism, an excellent post by Bora Zivkovic in his Science and Politics blog.